Community Association
“This portal is for SELF-MANAGEMENT ONLY”
All common ownership community associations must register annually with the Office of Community Relations. The governing body of a homeowners’ association, the council of unit owners of a condominium, and the board of directors of a cooperative housing cooperation are responsible for compliance.
The annual registration deadline is December 31. In addition to filing the registration form, the association must identify its elected leadership. A copy of the form is attached and can be downloaded from this County web site.
Management Services
Community Association Management means to manage the common property and services of a community association with the authority of the community association in its business, legal, financial, or other transactions with association members and nonmembers for a fee, commission or other valuable consideration, including: collecting monthly assessments; negotiating contracts or otherwise coordinating association and assisting the governing body of a community association and association members in complying with laws, contracts, covenants, rules and bylaws; managing the operation and maintenance of community-owned properties, including community centers, pools, golf courses, and parking areas; and arranging, conducting and coordinate meetings of a community association or the governing body of an association. (Real Property 14-130)
Registration - Any company, including sole proprietorship, that provides community association management services for community associations located in Prince George’s County must register with the Office of Community Relations and renew its registration by January 31 of each year.
Registration Fee of $100 payable to Prince George’s County is due on or before January 31. Complete the online registration form. *All fees must be paid from the Management Company’s Account*
There is no fee for self-managed associations.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
In order to respond efficiently to the constituents of Prince George’s County, it has been declared that it is the public policy of Prince George’s County to establish a program to assist in addressing the needs of Common Ownership Communities by providing education, training and alternative dispute resolution services.
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